Sunday, May 31, 2009

weird feelings going back to work !
after what i've been told.
mixtures of confuse & disappointment.
what you see is not always the truth?
can i still choose to believe my own eyes?
trust is never gonna be easy again.
her words, their words make me think a lot!
how i wish i'm still a kid who will never get involved in all these.


life is boring...or maybe it's just my life?
i want a simple yet interesting life can i??
glad that i've got moomoo who is interesting enough just by looking at him !
he's not only a part of my life but everything of my life...
my heart only recognise him....just him! 


brought leepapa leemama to Dian Xiao Er for lunch.
went to the temple.
the weather is hot.
everywhere is crowded.
wonder where people are heading to.
i miss the airport.
i want long holiday.
i want mahjong but i know i cant get addicted to it.
had mee pok for dinner after naming out so many other food.
mee sotong chicken rice western food veggy rice hor fun.
in the end mee pok won!
moomoo ate 9 fishballs.
wow right?
wanna watch handsome suit but moomoo wanna go home.
it have been months since my last facial.
my face is dirty!
miss Goo Jun Pyo.
my desk is full of Boys Over Flowers pictures.
is my pinky powershot camera spoilt?
dont wish to visit the service centre.
hate to see that guy who made me QUIT!
trying so hard not to overspend and anyhow spend and i think i did it.
quarrel with that mad cow!
not the same old problem.
it's something new! haha
i'll call him to say sorry now....haha as if.
zzzzz.....bed's calling me!
oki oki bed here i come.
good night Goo Jun Pyo Oppa!

begin the start of the week with a :)
no monday blues for me please!


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