Monday, June 22, 2009

ahhhhhh........F4 on i-weekly!

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he thinks he looks like him.

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NO WAY !!!!!!!
coz moo~you are special in your own way!

you cant see us
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now a bit...
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moo looks so monk here :>

finally....the cute couple shows themselves!
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me on leave today!
finally had my facial done after 3 months.
i promise to be more regular for my facial...
maybe once in every 1 or 2 months.
if not every session will be like today...tears flowing out unknowingly.
the pain was just too much for me to take.
moo is sick....but he still came over to accompany me.
we had our lunch tgt...
first time in my life i had chicken rice with more rice and chicken.
im just so hungry after all the pain.
we rented Pink Panter 2! funny funny nice nice i like i like.
the rest of the day we just nua at home....nua on the bed... 
doing things we love to do!
i mean shouting yelling beating each other not what you are thinking laaaa! looking forward to TGIF soon!
looking forward to date moomoo...
no no...shld be he dates me!




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