Sunday, June 14, 2009

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come kissss me too!!!

my first kiss with moomoo was at the beach.
beach is such a romantic place for kissing right.
moomoo really know how to choose location haha.
i would like to get kissed at the playground.
im sitting on the swing and then he kneel down and kiss me on the cheek forehead or lips.
awwwww super sweet right.....!!!
if hot kissing i would like it to be at the middle of the road or on a busy street.
we can always see this on drama right.
i find it super sweet and HOT too hahaha.
hug leh...i think it's really sweet to be hugged from your back.
not chest to chest but your back to his chest.
moomoo come hug me like that leh!!!
haha sorry watched too much drama liao!

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moomoo this kiss too common liao la!!!!
change please!!!

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i bought this korean phasebook.
i so wanna so gonna master korean language!!!
i so love korea & korean!!!
one day im gonna migrate to korea.
me is serious ok!!!
moomoo want or not is his problem!!

ps: im so happy when kat told me that Lee Min Ho is handsome hahaha



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