Friday, June 12, 2009

TGIF !!!
thank god it's flyday~
how i wish i can fly back home now!
flyy back to see leemama...
flyyy back to massage my tired legs...
flyyy back and wait for moomoo to come knocking on my door....
i so love friday laaaaa....muckz!!!
but i so hate monday laaaa.....arghhhhh!!!!!
i always cursed that monday will never come!!
anyway half an hour more to knock off!
i can laze a bit now coz boss went to see doctor so not around.
yes this is my first time blogging in the office haha.

today i've finally cleared all documents that have been piling up for months.
after clearing i had a sense of satisfaction!
the reason why i love filing is because it does not require thinking at all.
i even called myself filing queen coz i think i can file a lot and can file very fast haha.
these few days im kinda free at work, not much work to do which i hate it laaa.
i love keeping myself busy at work.

the weather is so HOT!!!
thurs and fri we are supposed to lunch out but we lunched in instead.
hoping for a better weather soon!!!

meeting my sec sch friends tmr.
wonder how each and everyone changes.

oh yeah!
knockingggggg offfffffff soonnnnnnn!!!!

2 more minutes!!!
and i'll FLY!!!!!


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