Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hung hung hung....
i'm super hungry now!!!
i can swallow a cow!!!
worse an elephant!!!
i wonder who will lunch this late...
we lunch at 2+
2 hours late than usual lunch hour...

long time no eat crabby!!!!!
cup corn also...
craving for fries too....
haha hung hung is like that one everything also crave :)

work is like.....dunno how to explain!!!
i'm sick of my

my sis is getting married...!!!
i'm green with envy...
when's my turn when's my turn?
moomoo you heard that?

have a sudden urge to learn baking & cooking!
for the sake of moomoo tan!
wanna tie a man, first must tie his wei :>
first dish i will learn is MEE POK!!!
his favourite!!!

everyone's gg holiday except me!
BOO ME!!!!


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