Sunday, August 23, 2009

M M I LVe YU !!!


very the colourful right....?
is not only on our monthsary or anniversary then i'll say ilu...
i say it almost everyday.
now these 3 golden words take no effect on him already!
"1642" faster go buy 4D...
this is the no of days we have been tgt.
6 more months to our 5 years!
it's unbelievable that i can be in a relationship for this long.
i'm a cow for this long...
i moo~ this long...
i eat grass this long...
people squeeze my milk for this long...

gai gai @ parkway today!
bought myself a dress...for work!
thou i hate work, still gotta buy some clothing for it.
the dress is 30% off...
so i only nets at 36.00$
moomoo bought a pair of shoes too!
if i ever say window shopping is ok is cool is good, i tell you i'm lying!
able to shop and buy is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a girl

stepped into borders..i insisted!
wanna act like a nerdy looking for some good books. haha
but it was so unlike us la.

we are fastfood prince & princess!
we had KFC for lunch MAC for dinner!
gotten 3 new kitties :o :0 :O

it's raining!
can have a good night zzz :p


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