Monday, August 10, 2009

so like a sunday today!!!


back to work tmr.....

ROL~Rahhhhhhhhhh Outttttttttt Louddddddddd~!


more numbers......

i so hate numbersss.........

if only things are as easy as 1 2 3...


bought WHY WHY LOVE dvd after i've watched the 1st episode on TV.

finally lee mama and i have finished watching it.

we cried so much towards the end :'(

Mike He is too delicious looking...very yummy him!

but he's quite dirty looking...dirty as in he's not tidy...

but still 帅!

he's my new LOVE! heeheehee~

when can i go for a holiday again?

i need to earn back my leave since our company cannot take advance leave and im left with zero leave now!

hopefully end of year...i wanna go KOREA!!!

miss chan is going to Korea next week!

hide me in her luggage pls!!!!

MOOMOO's DAY 4 days straight!

<3 i
<3 l o v e y o u
<3 m o o



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