Tuesday, June 30, 2009

爱 美 丽 

i smsed her in the morning telling her...
i love and hate you at the same time!
haha this sister of mine can be really hateful at times...
no no is most of the time!!!
she hanged my phone just because i dont wanna help her buy mashed potato.
jie please grow up la you're 25 already!!! *oppsy* :>
and i think it's time for you to stop all your night life! haha

so funny la...
i suddenly forgot wats my login ID for blogger.
is not like i very long never log in lo!

super hate Zoe Tay in the 9 o clock show!
and i think she needs some botox!!!
anyway in the near future i will need too.
actually now i can see lines already...scary~
OMG age is catching up on me!!!
im turning 22 in 3 months time!!!

MJ's dead!
but i dont have this "huh 真的吗?" reaction.
anyway he's like 怪怪的!
but still RIP!
continue to dance wherever you are!


Monday, June 22, 2009

ahhhhhh........F4 on i-weekly!

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he thinks he looks like him.

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NO WAY !!!!!!!
coz moo~you are special in your own way!

you cant see us
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now a bit...
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moo looks so monk here :>

finally....the cute couple shows themselves!
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me on leave today!
finally had my facial done after 3 months.
i promise to be more regular for my facial...
maybe once in every 1 or 2 months.
if not every session will be like today...tears flowing out unknowingly.
the pain was just too much for me to take.
moo is sick....but he still came over to accompany me.
we had our lunch tgt...
first time in my life i had chicken rice with more rice and chicken.
im just so hungry after all the pain.
we rented Pink Panter 2! funny funny nice nice i like i like.
the rest of the day we just nua at home....nua on the bed... 
doing things we love to do!
i mean shouting yelling beating each other not what you are thinking laaaa!
alright...me looking forward to TGIF soon!
looking forward to date moomoo...
no no...shld be he dates me!



Sunday, June 21, 2009

!!! . . . .HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. . . . !!!

last night had father's day dinner @ Jack's Place
followed by a super lame movie DRAG ME TO HELL!
after that moomoo and I went to rent one even lame movie PLASTERMAN.
lame lame lame....


Monday, June 15, 2009

   M I N E    M Y   



yeah! we have our very own language.
only he understands me and i understand him.
have no idea how we invented our own alien language 
but i totally love this way of communication.
i seriously feel that we're the cutest couple on earth!!!




My cute buys on sunday!



purchased them at Daiso!
especially love the heart mouse pad!!! 
kawaiii nehhhh~

new dress for the month of June!
i find it kinda vintage.
i wore it to work today.
i think i made the right choice of getting this instead of another black dress :>



moomoo just had a haircut.
whenever he cuts his hair he will look so much younger than me.
now i appear to be more mature and older.


he's mine...
he's my...
my cute boy!

*good night*

Sunday, June 14, 2009

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come kissss me too!!!

my first kiss with moomoo was at the beach.
beach is such a romantic place for kissing right.
moomoo really know how to choose location haha.
i would like to get kissed at the playground.
im sitting on the swing and then he kneel down and kiss me on the cheek forehead or lips.
awwwww super sweet right.....!!!
if hot kissing i would like it to be at the middle of the road or on a busy street.
we can always see this on drama right.
i find it super sweet and HOT too hahaha.
hug leh...i think it's really sweet to be hugged from your back.
not chest to chest but your back to his chest.
moomoo come hug me like that leh!!!
haha sorry ah...me watched too much drama liao!

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moomoo this kiss too common liao la!!!!
change please!!!

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i bought this korean phasebook.
i so wanna so gonna master korean language!!!
i so love korea & korean!!!
one day im gonna migrate to korea.
me is serious ok!!!
moomoo want or not is his problem!!

ps: im so happy when kat told me that Lee Min Ho is handsome hahaha


Friday, June 12, 2009

TGIF !!!
thank god it's flyday~
how i wish i can fly back home now!
flyy back to see leemama...
flyyy back to massage my tired legs...
flyyy back and wait for moomoo to come knocking on my door....
i so love friday laaaaa....muckz!!!
but i so hate monday laaaa.....arghhhhh!!!!!
i always cursed that monday will never come!!
anyway half an hour more to knock off!
i can laze a bit now coz boss went to see doctor so not around.
yes this is my first time blogging in the office haha.

today i've finally cleared all documents that have been piling up for months.
after clearing i had a sense of satisfaction!
the reason why i love filing is because it does not require thinking at all.
i even called myself filing queen coz i think i can file a lot and can file very fast haha.
these few days im kinda free at work, not much work to do which i hate it laaa.
i love keeping myself busy at work.

the weather is so HOT!!!
thurs and fri we are supposed to lunch out but we lunched in instead.
hoping for a better weather soon!!!

meeting my sec sch friends tmr.
wonder how each and everyone changes.

oh yeah!
knockingggggg offfffffff soonnnnnnn!!!!

2 more minutes!!!
and i'll FLY!!!!!